Segmentum Ball Valvae (V SCARIFICATIO Portus)
China, Segmentum, V SCARIFICATIO, V Portus, pila valvae, Fabrica, Factory, Pretium, Flanged, RF, RTJ, PTFE, RPTFE, Metallum, sedes, sedile, portatum, reducere gestamen, frustum unum, materias valvulas habent carbonem, chalybem immaculatam. , A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5A, A105(N), F304(L), F316(L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, Aluminium Bronze and other special oflay. Impetus ex classibus 150LB, 300LB, 600LB, 900LB, 1500LB, 2500LB
Pila Valve
Valvae pila natans valvae quadrantis est quae pila utitur ad fluxum fluidi moderandum. fluitantem globus duobus sedilibus valvae positis, una ex utraque parte globi ordinantur. Globus libere intra valvae corpus movetur, sinit eam gyrari et aperire vel viam fluere claudat. Hae valvae communiter adhibentur in variis industriis inclusis oleum et gas, chemica, petrochemical et aqua curatio.
China, API 6D, Trunnion, Fixum, Equestum, Ball Valve, Parte Entry, Manufacture, Factory, Pretium, Flanged, RF, RTJ, Duo fragmenta, tria frusta, PTFE, RPTFE, Metal, sede, plena bore, reduce bore, alte pressio, caliditas, materia valvulae habent carbonem, chalybem immaculatam, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC; LC2, A995 4A. 5A, A105(N), F304(L), F316(L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, Aluminium Bronze and other special oflay.
Sinis, API 6D, Top Entry, Fluitans, Trunnion, Fixus, Impositus, Ball Valve, Manufacture, Factory, Pretium, Flanged, RF, RTJ, una, PTFE, RPTFE, Metal, sede, plena bore, reducere gestamen, materias valvulas habeant carhonem, chalybem immaculatam, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2; A995 4A. 5A, A105(N), F304(L), F316(L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, Aluminium Bronze and other special oflay.
China, Plene, iuncta, globulus valvae, tibia linea, Fabrica, Factory, Pretium, Flanged, PE, RF, RTJ, PTFE, RPTFE, Metallum, sede, plenum bore, redigendum bore, valvulae materias habent carbo, chalybem immaculatum, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5A, A105(N), F304(L), F316(L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, Aluminium Bronze and other special oflay.
Sinis, 3 via, tres via, T portus, Y portus, L portus, globulus valvae, fabrica, Factory, Pretium, Flanged, RF, RTJ, PTFE, RPTFE, Metallum, sedile, plenum bore, reducere bore, valvulae materiae carbonem habent. chalybe, immaculata chalybe, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5A, A105(N), F304(L), F316(L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, Aluminium Bronze and other special oflay.
Sinis, DBB, stipes duplex, duplex minuo, globus valvae, Fabrica, Factory, Pretium, Flanged, RF, RTJ, mono, PTFE, RPTFE, Metallum, solium, peperisse, reducere bore, valvulae materiae carbonem habent, chalybem immaculatum; A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5A, A105(N), F304(L), F316(L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, Aluminium Bronze and other special oflay.