Industrial valvae Manufacturer


  • Cryogenic portam Valvae extenditur -196 ℃

    Cryogenic portam Valvae extenditur -196 ℃

    Cryogenic, Gate Valve, extended bonnet, -196℃, low temperature, manufacturer, factory, price, API 602, Solid Wedge, BW, SW, NPT, Flange, bolt bonnet, reduce bore, full bore, materials have F304(L), F316(L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Campelly, aluminium aes et alia speciale. Pressura ex genere 150lb ad 800lb ad 2500LB, Sinis.

  • Concentricis papilionem CYMBALE Flexilis sedet

    Concentricis papilionem CYMBALE Flexilis sedet

    Sinis, concentric, centrum linea, Dactile ferrum, papilio CYMBALON, Flexilis sedens, Wafer, LAGGED, FILGING, OPFACTUM, A216, CF3, CF3M, A995, A995 5A, A995 6a A995, A995 6a. Pressura ex genere 150lb ad 2500LB.

  • Altus perficientur papilionem valvae

    Altus perficientur papilionem valvae

    Sinis, princeps euismod, duplex, eccentrici, papilio valvae lagam, langed, fulva, fabrica, officinas, pretium, Carbon, WC6, WC9, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, A995 6a. Pressura ex genere 150lb ad 2500LB.

  • Metallum ad metallum sedet papilio valvae

    Metallum ad metallum sedet papilio valvae

    China, API 609, Metal to Metal, Seat, Triple Offset, Eccentric, Butterfly Valve, Welded, Wafer, Lugged, Flanged, Manufacture, factory, price, Caron Steel, Stainless Steel, A216 WCB, WC6, WC9, A352 LCB, A351 CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, A995 4A, A995 5A, A995 6a. Pressura ex genere 150lb ad 2500LB.

  • Triplex offset papfus valvae

    Triplex offset papfus valvae

    China, API 609, Triple Offset, Eccentric, Butterfly Valve, Wafer, Lugged, Flanged, Manufacture, factory, price, Caron Steel, Stainless Steel, A216 WCB, WC6, WC9, A352 LCB, A351 CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, A995 4A, A995 5A, A995 6A. Pressura ex genere 150lb ad 2500LB.

  • Pressura signatum Bonnet Globe CYMBALON

    Pressura signatum Bonnet Globe CYMBALON

    China, BS 1873, Globe Valve, Manufacture, Factory, Price, Pressure Sealed Bonnet, swivel plug, Flanged, RF, RTJ, trim 1, trim 8, trim 5, Metal, seat, full bore, high pressure, high temperature, valves materials have carbon steel, stainless steel, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4a. 5A, A105 (n), F304 (L), F316 (L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloyme, Aluminium et Alia Alloy. Pressura ex genere 150lb, 300lb, 600LB, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500LB



    Sina, BS MDCCCLXXIII, Globe CYMBALON, EPISTULA FACTORY, Price, BELLATUS Bonnet, Swivel, TRIGNITES FERO, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF3, CF8, Cf3 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4a. 5A, A105 (n), F304 (L), F316 (L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloyme, Aluminium et Alia Alloy. Pressura ex genere 150lb, 300lb, 600LB, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500LB

  • Tilting discus reprehendo valvae

    Tilting discus reprehendo valvae

    Sinis, inclinatio discus, reprehendo valvae, fabricantium, officinas, pretium, fulvis, RF, RTJ, valvulae materiae habere carbon ferro, immaculatam ferro, CF3M, CF8M, A995 LCB, Lc2, A995 A99. 5A, A105 (n), F304 (L), F316 (L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloyme, Aluminium et Alia Alloy. Pressura ex genere 150lb, 300lb, 600LB, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500LB

  • Ductile ferrum Dual laminam reprehendo valvae

    Ductile ferrum Dual laminam reprehendo valvae

    China, Ductile Iron, Cast Iron, Dual Plate, Double Plate, Wafer, Flange, Lugged, Check Valve, Manufacture, Factory, Price, RF, RTJ, trim 1, trim 8, trim 5, PTFE, Viton, Metal, seat, valves materials have carbon steel, stainless steel, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4a. 5A, A105 (n), F304 (L), F316 (L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloyme, Aluminium et Alia Alloy. Pressura ex genere 150LB, PN10, Pn16, Jis 10K, Jis 5k

  • API DXCIV Dual laminam Reprehendo CYMBALON

    API DXCIV Dual laminam Reprehendo CYMBALON

    Sinis, API DXCIV, Dual laminam, duplex laminam, laganum, LABIUM, LAGGED, reprehendo CYMBALON, OPFACTUM, PTTEGUS, Viton, A351, CF3, CF3, CF3M, CF3, CF3M, CF3, A352, CF3M, CF8M, CF8: LCC, LC2, A995 4a. 5A, A105 (n), F304 (L), F316 (L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloyme, Aluminium et Alia Alloy. Pressura ex genere 150lb, 300lb, 600LB, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500LB

  • BS MDCCCLXVIII adductius reprehendo valvae

    BS MDCCCLXVIII adductius reprehendo valvae

    China, BS 1868, Check Valve, Swing Type, Bolt cover, Manufacture, Factory, Price, Flanged, RF, RTJ, trim 1, trim 8, trim 5, Metal, seat, valves materials have carbon steel, stainless steel, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5A, A105 (n), F304 (L), F316 (L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloyme, Aluminium et Alia Alloy. Pressura ex genere 150lb, 300lb, 600LB, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500LB

  • API 6d Portus PORRORUM Moderare CYMBALON

    API 6d Portus PORRORUM Moderare CYMBALON

    Sinis, API 6d, reprehendo CYMBALON, plena Portus, adductius type, Bolt operculum, fabricantium, officinas, pretium, stain, cf8, CF3M, CF8M, CF3, A216, CF8M, A352, A216, CF8M, A102, CF8, CF8M, CF8, A99, CF3M, CF8M, A99, ACMB, LC2, A995 4a. 5A, A105 (n), F304 (L), F316 (L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloyme, Aluminium et Alia Alloy. Pressura ex genere 150lb, 300lb, 600LB, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500LB

  • Sleeve plug valvae

    Sleeve plug valvae

    Sina, sleeve, Ptfe, plug valvae, pressura statera, fabricantium, officinas, pretium, fulvis, made, reducere, a216, cf351, a216, CF3M, CF8M, A995 LCB, LC2, A995 4a. 5A, Alloy XX, Monel, Inconel, Celerella, Aluminium Aes et alia speciale. Pressura ex genere 150lb, 300LB, 600LB, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500LB.

  • PRAELICTE plug valvae pressura balance

    PRAELICTE plug valvae pressura balance

    China, Lubricated, Plug Valve, Pressure Balance, Manufacture, Factory, Price, Flanged, RF, RTJ, Metal, seat, full bore, reduce bore, high pressure, high temperature, valves materials have carbon steel, stainless steel, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5A, Alloy XX, Monel, Inconel, Celerella, Aluminium Aes et alia speciale. Pressura ex genere 150lb, 300LB, 600LB, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500LB.

  • Dwin Sigillum DBB STABULUM CYMBALON Orbb Dual Dilatatur Generalis CYMBALON

    Dwin Sigillum DBB STABULUM CYMBALON Orbb Dual Dilatatur Generalis CYMBALON

    Discover: Qualitas Dual Expanding obturaculum valvulae et DBB plug valvulae disposito meliorem perficientur in variis applications. Explorarent nostri API 6d Portus Options Hodie

  • Fortuna Fortuna Ferta porta CYMBA Flaged End

    Fortuna Fortuna Ferta porta CYMBA Flaged End

    Forged steel, gate valves, manufacturer, factory, price, Pressure sealed bonnet, API 602, Solid Wedge, BW, SW, NPT, Flange, reduce bore, full bore, materials have A105(N), F304(L), F316(L), F11, F22, F51, F347, F321, F51, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, Aluminum Bronze et alia speciale. Pressura ex genere 150lb ad 800lb ad 2500LB, Sinis.