Kaihanga o te Ahumahi Valven


  • CryOGENIC Gate Valve Bonve Donnet mo -196 ℃

    CryOGENIC Gate Valve Bonve Donnet mo -196 ℃

    Cryogenic, Verve Valve, BonNet, -196 ℃, Kaihanga, Hoko, Utu, F22, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51, F51 Incoelel, Hastelloy, konumohe konumohe me etahi atu mea motuhake. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb ki te 800lb ki te 2500lb, china.

  • Ko te kowhatu paraharaha o te reeti

    Ko te kowhatu paraharaha o te reeti

    China, Concentric, Center line, Ductile Iron, Butterfly Valve, Rubber Seated, Wafer, Lugged, Flanged, Manufacture, Factory, Price, Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, A216 WCB, WC6, WC9, A352 LCB, A351 CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, A995 4A, A995 5A, A995 6A. Pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb ki te 2500lb.

  • Te kaha o te parani

    Te kaha o te parani

    Ko Haina, te mahi nui, te rua, te koretake, te Buterfly Valve Wafer, i uru, te wheketere, te wheketere. Pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb ki te 2500lb.

  • Ko te whakarewa ki te whakarewa i te urupa

    Ko te whakarewa ki te whakarewa i te urupa

    Haina, API 609, whakarewa ki te whakarewa, te nohoanga, te taarua, te hinu, te rahinga, te utu, te a951, te CF3m, A995 4A, A995 5a, A995 6A. Pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb ki te 2500lb.

  • Ko te Wahanga Pouaka Tuarua Tuarua

    Ko te Wahanga Pouaka Tuarua Tuarua

    China, API 609, Triple Offset, Eccentric, Butterfly Valve, Wafer, Lugged, Flanged, Manufacture, factory, price, Caron Steel, Stainless Steel, A216 WCB, WC6, WC9, A352 LCB, A351 CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, A995 4A, A995 5A, A995 6A. Pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb ki te 2500lb.

  • Te pēhanga bonnet gobe globe

    Te pēhanga bonnet gobe globe

    China, BS 1873, Globe Valve, Manufacture, Factory, Price, Pressure Sealed Bonnet, swivel plug, Flanged, RF, RTJ, trim 1, trim 8, trim 5, Metal, seat, full bore, high pressure, high temperature, valves materials have carbon steel, stainless steel, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5a, A105 (N), F304 (L), F316 (L), F22, F22, F521, F521, F511, F51, F51, F51, F51. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb, 300lb, 600lb, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500lb

  • BS 1873 Globe Valve Boltted Bonnet

    BS 1873 Globe Valve Boltted Bonnet

    China, BS 1873, Globe Valve, Manufacture, Factory, Price, Bolted Bonnet, swivel plug, Flanged, RF, RTJ, trim 1, trim 8, trim 5, Metal, seat, full bore, high pressure, high temperature, valves materials have carbon steel, stainless steel, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5a, A105 (N), F304 (L), F316 (L), F22, F22, F521, F521, F511, F51, F51, F51, F51. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb, 300lb, 600lb, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500lb

  • Te tirotiro i te kōpae tirotiro

    Te tirotiro i te kōpae tirotiro

    Haina, Tilting kōpae, tirohia te waha, te wheketere, te utu, te utu, te hinu, te cf8, a352, te LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC. 5a, A105 (N), F304 (L), F316 (L), F22, F22, F521, F521, F511, F51, F51, F51, F51. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb, 300lb, 600lb, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500lb

  • Ko te raarangi tohu paerua parakore

    Ko te raarangi tohu paerua parakore

    Haina, rino rino, te rino, te pereti rua, te pereti, te raima, te raima, te akina, te cf8m, CF8m, CF8m, CF8m, CF8m, CF8m, CF8m, CF8m, CF8m, CF8m, CF8m. A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5a, A105 (N), F304 (L), F316 (L), F22, F22, F521, F521, F511, F51, F51, F51, F51. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150LB, PN10, PN16, Jis 10k, Jis 5k

  • API 594 Te Tohu Paetukutuku Tuarua API

    API 594 Te Tohu Paetukutuku Tuarua API

    Haina, API 594, te pereti rua, te pereti rua, te waahi, te haki, te raima, te tohu, te cf8m. LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5a, A105 (N), F304 (L), F316 (L), F22, F22, F521, F521, F511, F51, F51, F51, F51. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb, 300lb, 600lb, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500lb

  • BS 1868 Ka huri te takiwha

    BS 1868 Ka huri te takiwha

    China, BS 1868, tirohia te Valve, Momo Swing, te Whakanoho, te utu, te utu, te ahuru, te CF8m, A352 LCB, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC. A995 4A. 5a, A105 (N), F304 (L), F316 (L), F22, F22, F521, F521, F511, F51, F51, F51, F51. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb, 300lb, 600lb, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500lb

  • API 6d Wort Port Port Swing Clave Valve

    API 6d Wort Port Port Swing Clave Valve

    China, API 6D, tirohia te Valve, Port katoa, Momo Sing, Te Whakano, te Taonga, A358 CF3, CF8m, A352 LCB, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC. A995 4A. 5a, A105 (N), F304 (L), F316 (L), F22, F22, F521, F521, F511, F51, F51, F51, F51. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb, 300lb, 600lb, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500lb

  • Salve plug plve

    Salve plug plve

    Haina, Sileeve, PTFE, Plug Valve, Taputapu Putea, Whakapaipai, A358 CF8, A352 LCB, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, LCC, A995 4a. 5a, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, paramu konumohe me etahi atu mea motuhake. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb, 300lb, 600lb, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500lb.

  • Ko te toenga pepeke kino

    Ko te toenga pepeke kino

    China, Lubricated, Plug Valve, Pressure Balance, Manufacture, Factory, Price, Flanged, RF, RTJ, Metal, seat, full bore, reduce bore, high pressure, high temperature, valves materials have carbon steel, stainless steel, A216 WCB, A351 CF3, CF8, CF3M, CF8M, A352 LCB, LCC, LC2, A995 4A. 5a, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, paramu konumohe me etahi atu mea motuhake. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb, 300lb, 600lb, 900lb, 1500lb, 2500lb.

  • Twin Hiria DBB plugl Valve Orbit rua te roa o te valve whanui

    Twin Hiria DBB plugl Valve Orbit rua te roa o te valve whanui

    Tirohia te roa-kounga-kounga-kounga-kounga nui me nga tohu DBB i hangaia mo te mahi tino pai i roto i nga momo tono. Te tirotiro i o maatau API 6d nga waahanga tauranga API 6D i tenei ra

  • Kua oti te kuaha o te kuaha o te kowhatu

    Kua oti te kuaha o te kuaha o te kowhatu

    Ko te kowiri tira, nga waha lerves, te wheketere, te utu, te utu totika, te f22 (f51, f51, f51, f51, f51, F51 Konumohe konumohe me etahi atu mea motuhake. Te pēhanga mai i te akomanga 150lb ki te 800lb ki te 2500lb, china.